x = {1,2,3} y = {1,4,9} f = InterpolatingFunction.Spline(x,y) f(2.5) -- evaluates f at 2.5 n = 1 f(2.5,n) --evaluates the n-th derivative of f at 2.5 f({1.2,2.5,2.7,2.9}) -- evaluates f successively at the given values y2 = {2,1,2} g = InterpolatingFunction.Spline(x,y2) y3 = {2,4,18} -- this equals y * y2 -- Arithmetics: f + g f - g FtimesG = InterpolatingFunction.Spline(x,y2) print(FtimesG == f * g) -- these functions are equal f^3 == f*f*f f..g -- concatenation; let X be a subset of the interval on which g is defined, when evaluating f..g on X make sure that f is defined on the image g(X), otherwise you'll get an error InterpolatingFunction.Integrate(f) -- integrates f over its full domain a = 1.5 b = 2.5 InterpolatingFunction.Integrate(f,a,b) -- integrates f from a to b