====== Windows ====== There is an easy (1) and a proper way (2) of installing Quanty on your windows machine - Unpack the files in the Quanty folder into "C:\Windows\System32" and you are done. - Unpack the Quanty folder somewhere on your machine. Add the Path including the folder name to the System path to run Quanty.exe inside every folder you want. On Windows 8: go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System" click "Advanced system settings" click "Environment Variables" edit the Path (at the top for yourself, or at the bottom for all users) by appending with ";Path:\to\Quanty". ===== gnuplot ===== If you want to create figures using Quanty scripts you may want install gnuplot on windows You can install the windows version of gnuplot (1) or make use of linux type environments like cygwin (2) - You can download the gnuplot from: http://gnuplot.info/download.html. Unpack the gnuplot folder somewhere on your PC. Add the Path including the folder name to the System path to run gnuplot.exe from wherever you want. On Windows 8: go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System" click "Advanced system settings" click "Environment Variables" edit the Path (at the top for yourself, or at the bottom for all users) by appending with ";Path:\to\gnuplot\bin" - You can easily use the cygwin environment for this: http://cygwin.com/install.html. Don't forget to tick gnuplot in the category graphics or math (it should automatically install all required components). (If you want to use gnuplot also for plotting into a window instead of a file do not forget to tick also the cygwin x-server X11 when installing). Add the Path into the bin and lib folders to the System path to run cygwin commands from wherever you want. On Windows 8: go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System" click "Advanced system settings" click "Environment Variables" edit the Path (at the top for yourself, or at the bottom for all users) by appending with ";Path:\to\cygwin\bin;Path:\to\cygwin\lib". Gnuplot files can now also be executed from within the Quanty files. In the (Linux-)Tutorial you will find lines running the gnuplot scripts, like: os.execute("gnuplot XASSpec.gnuplot ; ps2pdf XASSpec.ps ; ps2eps XASSpec.ps ; mv XASSpec.eps temp.eps ; eps2eps temp.eps XASSpec.eps ; rm temp.eps"). The command "os.execute("gnuplot XASSpec.gnuplot")" will now run properly on windows and return you the plot as *.ps file. But note that the remaining commands (ps2pdf, ...) will be ignored (and return a warning), as they are usually not defined on windows machines (but you may find gnuplot commands allowing you to create *.pdf as well). ===== run Quanty ===== ### After installation you can run Quanty within the Command shell of windows. You can open the command shell with the key combination: "windows_key + r" then enter "cmd". Naturally you can use any other terminal you prefer. Within the terminal change to the folder containing the Quanty file you like to execute and enter "Quanty.exe filename.Quanty" ### ### Once this command works it is time to go to the [[documentation:basics:basis|basic examples in the documentation]] pages and learn how to set up a Quanty file. You can download all examples you see on the web page from the tutorials you can find online for the [[workshop:heidelberg:september_2018:programme|workshop in Heidelberg]]. For completeness you can also download a zip file with a set of tutorials for version 1 of Quanty http://www.quanty.org/QuantyDoc.zip. ###