Unexpected mixed singlet and triplet states

asked by Charles Cardot (2024/12/04 23:29)


I was exploring how the Coulomb exchange coupling between different orbitals gives rise to states with different multiplicities. In this simplest non-trivial case (two unpaired electrons, one in each orbital) this should give rise to triplet and singlet states, where the triplet states have a <S^2> = 2 (s=1) and the singlet states have <S^2> = 0 (s=0). The code I used is shown below.

    -- Create Index
    Index, NFermi = CreateAtomicIndicesDict({"Metal_d","Metal_p","Metal_s"})

    -- Define Operators

    OppN_xy   = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {0,1}, {0,1}, {1,1})
    OppN_yz   = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {2,3}, {2,3}, {1,1})
    OppN_z2   = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {4,5}, {4,5}, {1,1})
    OppN_xz   = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {6,7}, {6,7}, {1,1})
    OppN_x2y2 = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {8,9}, {8,9}, {1,1})

    OppN_x = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {14,15}, {14,15}, {1,1})
    OppN_y = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {10,11}, {10,11}, {1,1})
    OppN_z = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, {12,13}, {12,13}, {1,1})

    OppN_d = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, Index['Metal_d'], Index['Metal_d'], {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1})
    OppN_p = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, Index['Metal_p'], Index['Metal_p'], {1,1,1,1,1,1})
    OppN_s = NewOperator("Number", NFermi, Index['Metal_s'], Index['Metal_s'], {1,1})

    YtoZtriple = YtoZMatrix({"Metal_d","Metal_p","Metal_s"})

    OppSz_d = Rotate(NewOperator("Sz", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"], Index["Metal_d_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)
    OppSz_p = Rotate(NewOperator("Sz", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"], Index["Metal_p_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)
    OppSz_s = Rotate(NewOperator("Sz", NFermi, Index["Metal_s_Up"], Index["Metal_s_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)

    OppLz_d = Rotate(NewOperator("Lz", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"], Index["Metal_d_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)

    OppSz_total = Rotate(NewOperator("Sz", NFermi, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}), YtoZtriple)

    OppSsqr_d = Rotate(NewOperator("Ssqr", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"], Index["Metal_d_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)
    OppSsqr_p = Rotate(NewOperator("Ssqr", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"], Index["Metal_p_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)
    OppSsqr_s = Rotate(NewOperator("Ssqr", NFermi, Index["Metal_s_Up"], Index["Metal_s_Dn"]), YtoZtriple)

    OppSsqr_total = Rotate(NewOperator("Ssqr", NFermi, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}), YtoZtriple)
    OppLsqr_total = Rotate(NewOperator("Lsqr", NFermi, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}), YtoZtriple)
    OppJsqr_total = Rotate(NewOperator("Jsqr", NFermi, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}), YtoZtriple)

    print("\nCreate the Coulomb operator between the s- and d-shell\n")
    OppUsdG2 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_s_Up"],Index["Metal_s_Dn"], Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0}, {1}), YtoZtriple)

    print("Create the Coulomb operator within the d-shell\n")
    OppUddF0 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {1,0,0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUddF2 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0,1,0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUddF4 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0,0,1}), YtoZtriple)

    print("Create the Coulomb operator between the p- and d-shell\n")
    OppUpdF0 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {1,0}, {0,0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUpdF2 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0,1}, {0,0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUpdG1 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0,0}, {1,0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUpdG3 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], Index["Metal_d_Up"],Index["Metal_d_Dn"], {0,0}, {0,1}), YtoZtriple)

    print("Create the Coulomb operator between the p- and s-shell\n")
    OppUspF0 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_s_Up"],Index["Metal_s_Dn"], Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], {1}, {0}), YtoZtriple)
    OppUspG1 = Rotate(NewOperator("U", NFermi, Index["Metal_s_Up"],Index["Metal_s_Dn"], Index["Metal_p_Up"],Index["Metal_p_Dn"], {0}, {1}), YtoZtriple)

    -- Build Hamiltonians

    nd = 1

    scale = 10
    G1pd = 2 * scale
    G3pd = 4 * scale
    F2pd = 2 * scale
    F0pd = (1/15)*G1pd + (3/70)*G3pd

    G2sd = 0.05

    Bz = 0.001 * EnergyUnits.Tesla.value

    GS_Hamiltonian = Bz * (2 * OppSz_d + OppLz_d) -- Magnetic term

    -- s <-> d exchange term
    GS_Hamiltonian = GS_Hamiltonian + G2sd * OppUsdG2

    -- p <-> d exchange term
    FS_Hamiltonian = GS_Hamiltonian + F0pd * OppUpdF0 + F2pd * OppUpdF2
    FS_Hamiltonian = FS_Hamiltonian + G1pd * OppUpdG1 + G3pd * OppUpdG3

    -- Name operators

    GS_Hamiltonian.Name = "<E>"
    FS_Hamiltonian.Name = "<E>"

    OppN_d.Name = "N_d"
    OppN_p.Name = "N_p"
    OppN_s.Name = "N_s"

    OppN_xy.Name = "<d_xy>"
    OppN_yz.Name = "<d_yz>"
    OppN_z2.Name = "<d_z2>"
    OppN_xz.Name = "<d_xz>"
    OppN_x2y2.Name = "<d_x2y2>"

    OppN_x.Name = "<p_x>"
    OppN_y.Name = "<p_y>"
    OppN_z.Name = "<p_z>"

    OppSz_d.Name = "<Sz_d>"
    OppSz_p.Name = "<Sz_p>"
    OppSz_s.Name = "<Sz_s>"

    OppSz_total.Name = "<Sz_tot>"

    OppSsqr_s.Name = "<S^2_s>"
    OppSsqr_p.Name = "<S^2_p>"
    OppSsqr_d.Name = "<S^2_d>"

    OppSsqr_total.Name = "<S^2_tot>"
    OppLsqr_total.Name = "<L^2_tot>"
    OppJsqr_total.Name = "<J^2_tot>"

    GS_oppList = {GS_Hamiltonian, OppSz_d, OppSz_s, OppSz_total, OppSsqr_total}
    FS_oppList = {FS_Hamiltonian, OppSz_d, OppSz_p, OppSz_total, OppSsqr_total}

    -- Calculate Eigenvalues

    print("\nGround State Hamiltonian")

    print("GS_Npsi", GS_Npsi)
    StartRestrictions = {NFermi, 0, {"1111111111 000000 00", nd, nd}, {"0000000000 111111 00", 6, 6},{"0000000000 000000 11", 1, 1}}
    GS_psiList = Eigensystem(GS_Hamiltonian, StartRestrictions, GS_Npsi, {{'Zero',1e-12}, {'Epsilon',1e-12}})
    GS_psiList = Chop(GS_psiList)

    print("\nGround State Hamiltonian Expectation Values")
    PrintExpectationValues(GS_psiList, GS_oppList, {{"ColWidth", 10}})

    print("\nFinal State Hamiltonian")

    FS_Npsi = 60
    print("FS_Npsi", FS_Npsi)
    StartRestrictions = {NFermi, 0, {"1111111111 000000 00", nd, nd}, {"0000000000 111111 00", 5, 5},{"0000000000 000000 11", 2, 2}}
    FS_psiList = Eigensystem(FS_Hamiltonian, StartRestrictions, FS_Npsi, {{'Zero',1e-12}, {'Epsilon',1e-12}})
    FS_psiList = Chop(FS_psiList)

    print("\nFinal State Hamiltonian Expectation Values")
    PrintExpectationValues(FS_psiList, FS_oppList, {{"ColWidth", 10}})


Running this code produces the following output:

    ====    written by Maurits W. Haverkort,                 ====
    ====    Yi Lu, Robert Green, Sebastian Macke,            ====
    ====    Marius Retegan, Martin Brass, and Simon Heinze   ====
    ====    (cc) 1995 - 2022 code and binaries released      ====
    ====    under creative commons CC-BY lisence             ====
    ====    www.quanty.org                                   ====
    ====    Beta version, be critical and report errors!!!   ====
    ====    Version 0.7 beta                                 ====
    ====            compiled at: May 16 2023 at 15:19:14     ====
    ====    When used in scientific publications please cite ====
    ====    one of the following papers as appropriate with  ====
    ====    respect to the methods used in your publication: ====
    ====    Phys. Rev. B 85, 165113 (2012)                   ====
    ====    Phys. Rev. B 90, 085102 (2014)                   ====
    ====    Euro Phys. Lett. 108, 57004 (2014)               ====
    ====    J. of Phys.: Conf. Series 712, 012001 (2016)     ====
    ====    New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 093018 (2020)     ====
    Program executed on: Wed Dec  4 16:15:00 2024
    Running on host    : macchiato.phys.washington.edu
    number of available processors              : 48
    maximum number of threads in parallel region: 48
    Smallest positive float  : 2.225074E-308 
    Smallest deviation from 1: 2.220446E-16 

    { All = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 } ,
    all = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 } ,
    Metal_d = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } ,
    Metal_p_Up = { 11 , 13 , 15 } ,
    Metal_p = { 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 } ,
    Metal_s = { 16 , 17 } ,
    Metal_p_Dn = { 10 , 12 , 14 } ,
    Metal_s_Up = { 17 } ,
    Metal_s_Dn = { 16 } ,
    Metal_d_Up = { 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 } ,
    Metal_d_Dn = { 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 } }

    Create the Coulomb operator between the s- and d-shell

    Create the Coulomb operator within the d-shell

    Create the Coulomb operator between the p- and d-shell

    Create the Coulomb operator between the p- and s-shell

    Ground State Hamiltonian
    GS_Npsi	20
    Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 20 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than  1.000000000000000E-12

    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
    Outer loop   1, Number of Determinants:        20        20 last variance  7.333925802638944E-05
    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
    Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 20 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than  1.000000000000000E-12

    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerial

    Ground State Hamiltonian Expectation Values

            <E>       <Sz_d>    <Sz_s>    <Sz_tot>  <S^2_tot> 
    1        -0.01     -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    2        -0.01     -2.894e-6  2.894e-6  0         2        
    3        -0.01     -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    4        -0.01     -2.894e-6  2.895e-6  1.35e-9   2        
    5        -0.01      0.5       0.5       1         2        
    6        -0.01     -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    7        -0.01     -2.9e-6    2.888e-6 -1.196e-8  2        
    8        -0.01      0.5       0.5       1         2        
    9        -0.01     -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    10       -0.01     -2.894e-6  2.894e-6  0         2        
    11       -0.01     -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    12       -0.01      0.5       0.5       1         2        
    13       -0.01     -2.894e-6  2.894e-6  0         2        
    14       -0.01      0.5       0.5       1         2        
    15       -0.01      0.5       0.5       1         2        
    16        0.01      2.894e-6 -2.894e-6  0         0        
    17        0.01      2.894e-6 -2.894e-6  0         0        
    18        0.01      2.894e-6 -2.894e-6  0         0        
    19        0.01      2.894e-6 -2.894e-6  0         0        
    20        0.01      2.894e-6 -2.894e-6  0         0        

    Final State Hamiltonian
    FS_Npsi	60
    Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 60 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than  1.000000000000000E-12

    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
    Outer loop   1, Number of Determinants:        60        60 last variance  4.747935119629589E+01
    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
    Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 60 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than  1.000000000000000E-12

    Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerial

    Final State Hamiltonian Expectation Values

            <E>       <Sz_d>    <Sz_p>    <Sz_tot>  <S^2_tot> 
    1        -7.05762  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    2        -7.05762  -2.171e-9  2.171e-9  0         2        
    3        -7.05762  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    4        -7.05762   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    5        -7.05762  -2.171e-9  2.171e-9  0         2        
    6        -7.05762  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    7        -7.05762   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    8        -7.05762  -2.171e-9  2.171e-9  0         2        
    9        -7.05762   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    10       -4.20048  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    11       -4.20048  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    12       -4.20048  -3.94e-9   3.939e-9  0         2        
    13       -4.20048  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    14       -4.20048  -3.939e-9  3.939e-9  0         2        
    15       -4.20048   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    16       -4.20048  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    17       -4.20048  -3.94e-9   3.939e-9  0         2        
    18       -4.20048   0.32472   0.32472   0.649441  2        
    19       -4.20048  -0.32472  -0.32472  -0.649441  2        
    20       -4.20048  -3.939e-9  3.939e-9  0         2        
    21       -4.20048   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    22       -4.20048  -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    23       -4.20048  -3.94e-9   3.938e-9  0         2        
    24       -4.20048  -0.495622 -0.495622 -0.991244  2        
    25       -4.20048   0.495622  0.495622  0.991244  2        
    26       -4.20048  -3.939e-9  3.939e-9  0         2        
    27       -4.20048   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    28       -4.20048  -3.939e-9  3.939e-9  0         2        
    29       -4.20048   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    30       -4.20048   0.5       0.5       1         2        
    31        0.942381 -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    32        0.942381 -0.5       0.5       0         1        
    33        0.942381 -0.5       0.5       0         1        
    34        0.942381 -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    35        0.942381 -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    36        0.942381 -0.5       0.5       0         1        
    37        0.942381  0.5       0.5       1         2        
    38        0.942381  0.5      -0.5       0         1        
    39        0.942381 -0.5       0.5       0         1        
    40        0.942381 -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    41        0.942381  0.5       0.5       1         2        
    42        0.942381  0.5      -0.5       0         1        
    43        0.942381 -0.5       0.5       0         1        
    44        0.942381 -0.5      -0.5      -1         2        
    45        0.942381  0.5      -0.5       0         1        
    46        0.942381  0.5       0.5       1         2        
    47        0.942381  0.5      -0.5       0         1        
    48        0.942381  0.5       0.5       1         2        
    49        0.942381  0.5      -0.5       0         1        
    50        0.942381  0.5       0.5       1         2        
    51        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    52        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    53        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    54        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    55        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    56        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    57        10.4934   3.939e-9 -3.939e-9  0         0        
    58        19.609    2.171e-9 -2.171e-9  0         0        
    59        19.609    2.171e-9 -2.171e-9  0         0        
    60        19.609    2.171e-9 -2.171e-9  0         0        


The Hamiltonian setup is a system with only a single *d* electron, and one hole in either the *s* or *p* level. When there is a hole in the *s* orbital there are 20 eigenstate (2×10) with 15 of them being triplet states and 5 of them being singlet states at a slightly different energy (G2sd = 0.05 eV). This is the expected behavior.

However, for the system with a hole in the *p* orbital there are 60 eigenstates(6×10) with some states which are clearly a mix of singlet and triplet (<S^2> = 1 or non integer value). My understanding is that the degeneracy between the singlet and triplet states is broken by Coulomb exchange, but the eigen states that are being found seem to no be obeying that.

I don't have any spin-orbit coupling so spin should be a good quantum number in this toy model. Does anyone have an idea what is giving rise to this behavior, specifically why I'm finding <S^2> values other than 0 and 2?