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documentation:language_reference:functions:printexpectationvalues [2019/04/15 10:57] – Mentioned Operator Restrictions in printSigma Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:functions:printexpectationvalues [2024/01/25 19:44] (current) – Point out that restrictions are not respected. Johannes Falke
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-PrintExpectationValues(psiList, Hamiltonian, opList, options) (old order) or PrintExpectationValues(psiList, opList, Hamiltonian, extraLists, options) (new order) takes a table of wavefunctions, a table of operators, a Hamiltonian operator, extraLists, and a list of options, and prints out expectation values. The Hamiltonian is treated separately here because it is possible to sort the output by energy and/or to print the standard deviation in energy. It can be omitted. The (otpional) extraLists need to be given in pairings of name and list of numbers. They can for example be used to include values that cannot be expressed as Hermitian operators. The Options are also optional.+PrintExpectationValues(psiList, Hamiltonian, opList, options) (old order) or PrintExpectationValues(psiList, opList, Hamiltonian, extraLists, options) (new order) takes a table of wavefunctions, a table of operators, a Hamiltonian operator, extraLists, and a list of options, and prints out expectation values. Note that restrictions placed on the operators in opList are not currently respected. The Hamiltonian is treated separately here because it is possible to sort the output by energy and/or to print the standard deviation in energy. It can be omitted. The (otpional) extraLists need to be given in pairings of name and list of numbers. They can for example be used to include values that cannot be expressed as Hermitian operators. The Options are also optional. 
 The function prints a header based on the name of the operator (except in the case of the Hamiltonian, where it uses "E"). The function prints a header based on the name of the operator (except in the case of the Hamiltonian, where it uses "E").