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forum:data:2020:tanabe-tsugano_diagram_d_10_configuration [2020/03/05 18:38] Riccardo Piomboforum:data:2020:tanabe-tsugano_diagram_d_10_configuration [2020/03/05 18:44] (current) Riccardo Piombo
Line 55: Line 55:
 </code> </code>
-The other way around if I uncomment the following line of code+The other way around if I uncomment the following line of code (the twelfth row from the beginning of the script):
 <code> <code>
Line 63: Line 63:
 The calculation is successful but it gives me an empty diagram. Can everyone please help me? The calculation is successful but it gives me an empty diagram. Can everyone please help me?
 Thanks in advance Thanks in advance
 +P.S should the problem be linked with the fact that a d10 configuration is made by a single Slater determinant?
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ~~DISCUSSION|Answers~~ ~~DISCUSSION|Answers~~