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crispy:start [2016/11/08 10:12] – Add screenshot Marius Retegancrispy:start [2018/06/03 14:43] (current) Marius Retegan
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 ====== Crispy ===== ====== Crispy =====
-Crispy is a graphical user interface written in [[https://www.python.org|Python]] that facilitates the simulation of core-level spectra. The interface provides a set of tools to generate input files, submit calculations, and analyze the results obtained with programs such as [[:start|Quanty]] and [[https://orcaforum.cec.mpg.de|ORCA]] (planned)+Crispy is a modern graphical user interface to calculate core-level spectra using the semi-empirical multiplet approaches implemented in Quanty. The interface provides a set of tools to generate input files, submit calculations, and plot the resulting spectra. You can find more information on the [[http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/crispy/index.html|official page]].
-It has a modular design and can be run on macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms. The code is released under the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License|MIT license]] and can be downloaded from [[https://github.com/mretegan/crispy|GitHub]] 
- +{{ :crispy:crispy_screenshot.png?720 }}
-{{ :crispy:crispy_screenshot.png?nolink&480 |}}+