−Table of Contents
Publications using Quanty
Here you find an (incomplete) list of publications using Quanty. If you have used Quanty in a publication, please log in and add your publication to this list. If you are not a user, but are aware of a paper that uses Quanty and is not listed here, please sent an e-mail to the author of Quanty (M.W. Haverkort) such that we can add the paper to the list.
Daisuke Asakura, Takaaki Sudayama, Yusuke Nanba, Eiji Hosono, Hisao Kiuchi, Kosuke Yamazoe, Jun Miyawaki, Yoshihisa Harada, Atsuo Yamada, Ru-Pan Wang and Frank M. F. de Groot.
Elucidation of the Co4+ state with strong charge-transfer effects in charged LiCoO2 by resonant soft X-ray emission spectroscopy at the Co L3 edge.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025, Advance
Abdeldaim, A.H., Gretarsson, H., Day, S.J. et al.
Kitaev interactions through extended superexchange pathways in the jeff = 1/2 Ru3+ honeycomb magnet RuP3SiO11.
Nat Commun 15, 9778 (2024) -
Blaess, Céline and Vasconcelos Borges Pinho, Pâmella and Moussy, Jean-Baptiste and Vlad, Alina and GATEL, Christophe and Matzen, Sylvia and Barbier, Antoine.
Manipulation of Artificial Multiferroics Using Doping-Induced Plastic Strain Relaxation.
https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5049981 -
Victor Porée, Alberto Zobelli, Amit Pawbake, Jakub Regner, Zdenĕk Sofer, Clément Faugeras, Alessandro Nicolaou.
Resonant X-ray spectroscopies on Chromium 3d orbitals in CrSBr.
arXiv:2501.04751 -
Truc Ly Nguyen, Thomas Mazet, Fan-Hsiu Chang, Hong-Ji Lin, Chien-Te Chen, Ashish Chainani.
Ligand Field Calculations for Element-Specific Spectroscopy of Rare Earth–Transition Metal Ferrimagnetic Alloys.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93, 121006 (2024) 10.7566/JPSJ.93.121006 -
Kacie J. Nelson, Nathanael P. Kazmierczak, David A. Cagan, Alec H. Follmer, Thais R. Scott, Sumana L. Raj, Douglas Garratt, Natalia Powers-Riggs, Kelly J. Gaffney, Ryan G. Hadt, and Amy A. Cordones.
Multiconfigurational Electronic Structure of Nickel Cross-Coupling Catalysts Revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2025 16 (1), 87-94 -
Meiyuan Guo, Robert Temperton, Giulio D’Acunto, Niclas Johansson, Rosemary Jones, Karsten Handrup, Sven Ringelband, Om Prakash, Hao Fan, Lisa H. M. de Groot, Valtýr Freyr Hlynsson, Simon Kaufhold, Olga Gordivska, Nicolás Velásquez González, Kenneth Wärnmark, Joachim Schnadt, Petter Persson, and Jens Uhlig.
Using Iron L-Edge and Nitrogen K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Improve the Understanding of the Electronic Structure of Iron Carbene Complexes.
Inorganic Chemistry 2024 63 (27), 12457-12468 -
V.K. Paidi, B. Lee, A.T. Lee, S. Ismail-Beigi, E. Grishaeva, S. Vasala, P. Glatzel, W. Ko, D. Ahn, T. Hyeon, Y. Kim, K. Lee.
Ferromagnetic stability optimization via oxygen-vacancy control in single-atom Co/TiO2 nanostructures.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (48) e2409397121 -
Charlotte A. Hall, Pilar Ferrer, David C. Grinter, Santosh Kumar, Ivan da Silva, Juan Rubio-Zuazo, de Peter Bencok, Frank de Groot, Georg Held and Ricardo Grau-Crespo.
Spinel ferrites MFe2O4 (M = Co, Cu, Zn) for photocatalysis: theoretical and experimental insights.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 29645-29656 -
Roberto Fantin, Thibaut Jousseaume, Raphael Ramos, Gauthier Lefevre, Ambroise Van Roekeghem, Jean-Pascal Rueff, and Anass Benayad.
Depth-Resolving the Charge Compensation Mechanism from LiNiO2 to NiO2.
ACS Energy Letters 2024 9 (4), 1507-1515 -
Andrea Marino.
Correlation effects in the 5f states of uranium intermetallics probed with x-ray spectroscopies.
TU-Dresden -
Johannes Falke.
Bulk electronic structure of single-crystal perovskite oxides studied by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission.
TU-Dresden -
O. Fedchenko, Y.-J. Song, O. Tkach, Y. Lytvynenko, S. V. Chernov, A. Gloskovskii, C. Schlueter, M. Peters, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, R. Valentí, G. Schönhense, and H. J. Elmers.
Valence transition induced changes of the electronic structure in EuPd2Si2.
Phys. Rev. B 109, 085130 (2024) -
Aly H. Abdeldaim, Hlynur Gretarsson, Sarah J. Day, M. Duc Le, Gavin B. G. Stenning, Pascal Manuel, Robin S. Perry, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Gøran J. Nilsen, Lucy Clark.
Kitaev Interactions Through an Extended Superexchange Pathway in the jeff = 1/2 Ru3+ Honeycomb Magnet, RuP3SiO11.
arXiv:2403.19406 -
L. Tacconi, S. S. Leiszner, M. Briganti, G. Cucinotta, E. Otero, M. Mannini, M. Perfetti.
Temperature Induced Reversible Switching of the Magnetic Anisotropy in a Neodymium Complex Adsorbed on Graphite.
Small 2024, 20, 2401627. -
Christovam, D. S., Marino, A., Falke, J., Liu, C.-E., Chang, C.-F., Kuo, C.-Y., Stockert, O., Wirth, S., Haverkort, M. W., Zwicknagl, G., Severing, A., Rosa, P. F. S., Caffer, A. M., Carvalho, M. H., & Pagliuso, P. G.
X-ray spectroscopic investigation of crystal fields in Ce2Rh1−xIrxIn8 heavy fermions
Phys. Rev. B 110, 075161 (2024) -
Quentin Jacquet, Nataliia Mozhzhukhina, Peter N.O. Gillespie, Gilles Wittmann, Lucia Perez Ramirez, Federico G. Capone, Jean-Pascal Rueff, Stephanie Belin, Rémi Dedryvère, Lorenzo Stievano, Aleksandar Matic, Emmanuelle Suard, Nicholas B. Brookes, Alessandro Longo, Deborah Prezzi, Sandrine Lyonnard, Antonella Iadecola.
A Fundamental Correlative Spectroscopic Study on Li1−xNiO2 and NaNiO2.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2024, 2401413. -
An, L., Swallow, et al..
Distinguishing bulk redox from near-surface degradation in lithium nickel oxide cathodes.
Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article -
Roberto Fantin.
Study of positive electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries by experimental and theoretical soft and hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy.
Materials Science [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. Université Grenoble Alpes 2024 -
Cardot C, Kas J, Rehr J, Abramson J, Seidler G.
Prediction and Measurement of Resonant and Nonresonant Shake Effects in the Core-level X-ray Emission Spectra of 3d0 Transition Metal Compounds.
ChemRxiv. 2024; doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-vcd0w -
Nele Thielemann-Kühn et al.
Optical control of 4f orbital state in rare-earth metals.
Sci. Adv.10,eadk9522 (2024) -
Massine Kelai, Stefano Reale, Roberto Robles, Jaehyun Lee, Divya Jyoti, Philippe Ohresser, Edwige Otero, Fadi Choueikani, Fabrice Scheurer, Nicolás Lorente, Deung-Jang Choi, Aparajita Singha, Fabio Donati.
Multi-Orbital Interactions and Spin Polarization in Single Rare-Earth Adatoms.
arXiv:2405.15229 -
C.-H. Min, S. Müller, W. J. Choi, L. Dudy, V. Zabolotny, M. Heber, J. D. Denlinger, C.-J. Kang, M. Kalläne, N. Wind, M. Scholz, T. L. Lee, C. Schlueter, A. Gloskovskii, E. D. L. Rienks, V. Hinkov, H. Bentmann, Y. S. Kwon, F. Reinert, K. Rossnagel.
Anomalous 4f fine structure in TmSe1−xTex across the metal-insulator transition.
arXiv:2406.02408 -
Anna Z. Laila, Truc Ly Nguyen, Ryota Furui, Abhijeet Shelke, Fan-Hsiu Chang, Hong-Ji Lin, Chien-Te Chen, Satoru Hamamoto, Atsushi Fujimori, Takashi Mizokawa, Ashish Chainani, and Ayako Yamamoto.
Comparative study of a high-entropy metal disulfide and its parent compounds using x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. B 109, 195129 (2024) -
C. W. Chuang, Y. Nakata, K. Hori, S. Gupta, F. M. F. de Groot, A. Fujimori, T. P. T. Nguyen, K. Yamauchi, I. Rajput, A. Lakhani, F.-H. Chang, H.-J. Lin, C.-T. Chen, F. Matsukura, S. Souma, T. Takahashi, T. Sato, and A. Chainani.
Indication of exchange interaction induced spin splitting in unoccupied electronic states of the high-TC ferromagnet (Cr0.35Sb0.65)2Te3.
Phys. Rev. B 109, 195134 (2024) -
Ogley MJW, Menon AS, Pandey G, Páez Fajardo GJ, Johnston BJ, McClelland I, et al.
Metal–Ligand Redox in Layered Oxide Cathodes for Li-ion Batteries. ChemRxiv.
doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-w906n -
Ufondu, P., Boyko, T. D., Pointner, M. M., Eisenburger, L., Schnick, W., & Moewes, A.
Investigating the electronic properties of novel titanium oxonitridophosphate, Ti5P12N24O2, through structural distortions at the titanium sites.
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 4392-4398 -
Robert J. Green, George A. Sawatzky.
Negative Charge Transfer Energy in Correlated Compounds.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93, 121007 (2024) -
Hirsbrunner, M., Källquist, I., Kullgren, J., Rensmo, H., Hahlin, M., & Duda, L. C.
Effects of partial isovalent substitution of V with (Ti,Fe) on redox reactivity in Li2VO2F battery cathodes.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 13852-13859 -
T. C. Asmara, R. J. Green, A. Suter, Y. Wei, W. Zhang, D. Knez, G. Harris, Y. Tseng, T. Yu, D. Betto, M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. Agrestini, Y. M. Klein, N. Kumar, C. W. Galdino, Z. Salman, T. Prokscha, M. Medarde, E. Müller, Y. Soh, N. B. Brookes, K.-J. Zhou, M. Radovic, T. Schmitt.
Emergence of Interfacial Magnetism in Strongly-Correlated Nickelate-Titanate Superlattices.
Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2310668. -
Curti, L., Prado, Y., Michel, A., Talbot, D., Baptiste, B., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Journaux, Y., Cartier-dit Moulin, C., Dupuis, V., Fleury, B., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.-A., Fresnais, J., & Lisnard, L.
Room-temperature-persistent magnetic interaction between coordination complexes and nanoparticles in maghemite-based nanohybrids.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 10607-10617 -
Abiram Krishnan, Dong-Chan Lee, Ian Slagle, Sumaiyatul Ahsan, Samantha Mitra, Ethan Read, and Faisal M. Alamgir.
Monitoring Redox Processes in Lithium-Ion Batteries by Laboratory-Scale Operando X-ray Emission Spectroscopy.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024 16 (13), 16096-16105 -
Dudy, L., Allen, J. W., Denlinger, J. D., He, J., Greenblatt, M., Haverkort, M. W., Nohara, Y., & Andersen, O. K.
Wannier orbital theory and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy for the quasi-one-dimensional conductor LiMo6O17. I. Six-band t2g Hamiltonian
Phys. Rev. B 109, 115143 (2024) -
Sorrentino, A. L., Poggini, L., Serrano, G., Cucinotta, G., Cortigiani, B., Malavolti, L., Parenti, F., Otero, E., Arrio, M.-A., Sainctavit, P., Caneschi, A., Cornia, A., Sessoli, R., & Mannini, M.
Assembling Fe4 single-molecule magnets on a TiO2 monolayer.
Nanoscale, 16(30), 14378–14386. -
Shalom, Bat-Or et al.
Chemical state of nickel nanoparticles during the oxygen evolution reaction in a carbonate-bicarbonate buffer solution.
Cell Reports Physical Science, Volume 5, Issue 9, 102165 -
Meiyuan Guo, Robert Temperton, Giulio D’Acunto, Niclas Johansson, Rosemary Jones, Karsten Handrup, Sven Ringelband, Om Prakash, Hao Fan, Lisa H. M. de Groot, Valtýr Freyr Hlynsson, Simon Kaufhold, Olga Gordivska, Nicolás Velásquez González, Kenneth Wärnmark, Joachim Schnadt, Petter Persson, and Jens Uhlig.
Using Iron L-Edge and Nitrogen K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Improve the Understanding of the Electronic Structure of Iron Carbene Complexes.
Inorganic Chemistry 2024 63 (27), 12457-12468 -
David J. R. Brook, Jeffrey DaRos, Aamani Ponnekanti, Stefano Agrestini and Eric Pellegrin.
Spectroscopic and thermodynamic characterization of a cobalt-verdazyl valence tautomeric system. influence of crystal structure, solvent and counterion.
Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 7536-7545 -
Lukas Lätsch, Sergey A. Guda, Vladyslav Romankov, Christina Wartmann, Jörg-M. Neudörfl, Jan Dreiser, Albrecht Berkessel, Alexander A. Guda, and Christophe Copéret.
Tracking Coordination Environment and Reaction Intermediates in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysts via Ti L2,3-Edge Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structures.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024 146 (11), 7456-7466 -
Youjin Lee, Chaebin Kim, Suhan Son, Jingyuan Cui, Giung Park, Kai-Xuan Zhang, Siwon Oh, Hyeonsik Cheong, Armin Kleibert, and Je-Geun Park.
Imaging Thermally Fluctuating Néel Vectors in van der Waals Antiferromagnet NiPS3.
Nano Letters 2024 24 (20), 6043-6050 -
Pavlo Bilous, Louis Thirion, Henri Menke, Maurits W. Haverkort, Adriana Pálffy, Philipp Hansmann.
Neural-network-supported basis optimizer for the configuration interaction problem in quantum many-body clusters: Feasibility study and numerical proof.
arXiv:2406.00151 -
Topias Jussila, Anish Philip, Víctor Rubio-Giménez, Kim Eklund, Sami Vasala, Pieter Glatzel, Johan Lindén, Teruki Motohashi, Antti J. Karttunen, Rob Ameloot, and Maarit Karppinen.
Chemical Bonding and Crystal Structure Schemes in Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposited Fe-Terephthalate Thin Films.
Chemistry of Materials 2024 36 (13), 6489-6503 -
Emanuel do Couto-Pessanha, Victor Magno Paiva, Thiago J.A. Mori, Lluís Soler, Beatriz Canabarro, Paula Jardim, Eliane D'Elia, Jordi Llorca, Bojan A. Marinkovic.
Mechanochemical approach towards optimized Ni2+ spin configuration in NiO/TiO2 heterojunction with enhanced solar-driven H2 photoproduction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 80, 28 August 2024, Pages 528-541 -
Burrow, T. G., Alcock, N. M., Huzan, M. S., Dunstan, M. A., Seed, J. A., Detlefs, B., Glatzel, P., Hunault, M. O. J. Y., Bendix, J., Pedersen, K. S., & Baker, M. L.
Determination of Uranium Central-Field Covalency with 3d4f Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(32), 22570–22582 -
González-Rivas, M. U., Aamlid, S. S., Rutherford, M. R., Freese, J., Sutarto, R., Chen, N., Villalobos-Portillo, E. E., Castillo-Michel, H., Kim, M., Takagi, H., Green, R. J., & Hallas, A. M.
Impact of Synthesis Method on the Structure and Function of High Entropy Oxides.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(38), 26048–26059 -
Connor A. Occhialini, Yi Tseng, Hebatalla Elnaggar, Qian Song, Mark Blei, Seth Ariel Tongay, Valentina Bisogni, Frank M. F. de Groot, Jonathan Pelliciari, and Riccardo Comin.
Nature of Excitons and Their Ligand-Mediated Delocalization in Nickel Dihalide Charge-Transfer Insulators
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031007 (2024) -
Kim, G.-H., Park, M., Samanta, S., Choi, U., Kang, B., Seo, U., Ji, G., Noh, S., Cho, D.-Y., Yoo, J.-W., Ok, J. M., Kim, H.-S., & Changhee Sohn.
Suppression of antiferromagnetic order by strain-enhanced frustration in honeycomb cobaltate.
Science Advances, 10(27), eadn8694 -
Qijun Che,* Mahnaz Ghiasi, Luca Braglia, Matt L.J. Peerlings, Silvia Mauri, Piero Torelli, Petra de Jongh, Frank M.F. de Groot,*
Operando soft x-ray absorption of LaMn1–xCoxO3 perovskites for CO oxidation,
ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 11243–11251 -
Christoph Schweiger, Martin Braß, Vincent Debierre, Menno Door, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christian Enss, Pavel Filianin, Loredana Gastaldo, Zoltán Harman, Maurits W. Haverkort, Jost Herkenhoff, Paul Indelicato, Christoph H. Keitel, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Yuri N. Novikov, Dennis Renisch, Alexander Rischka, Rima X. Schüssler, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum,
Penning-trap measurement of the Q-value of the electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass,
arXiv:2402.06464 -
Denise S. Christovam, Miguel Ferreira-Carvalho, Andrea Marino, Martin Sundermann, Daisuke Takegami, Anna Melendez-Sans, Ku Ding Tsuei, Zhiwei Hu, Sahana Rößler, Manuel Valvidares, Maurits W. Haverkort, Yu Liu, Eric D. Bauer, Liu Hao Tjeng, Gertrud Zwicknagl, and Andrea Severing,
Spectroscopic Evidence of Kondo-Induced Quasiquartet in CeRh2As2,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 046401 -
Myron S. Huzan, Timothy G. Burrow, Manuel Fix, Franziska A. Breitner, Sut Kei Chong, Peter Bencok, Matteo Aramini, Anton Jeschec and Michael L. Baker,
Quantifying the influence of 3d–4s mixing on linearly coordinated metal-ions by L2,3-edge XAS and XMCD,
Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 2433 -
Reshma R. Rao, Iris C. G. van den Bosch, Christoph Baeumer,
Operando X-ray characterization of interfacial charge transfer and structural rearrangements,
arXiv:2212.04961 -
Xiaoyang Chen, Jaewon Choi, Zhicheng Jiang, Jiong Mei, Kun Jiang, Jie Li, Stefano Agrestini, Mirian Garcia-Fernandez, Xing Huang, Hualei Sun, Dawei Shen, Meng Wang, Jiangping Hu, Yi Lu, Ke-Jin Zhou, Donglai Feng,
Electronic and magnetic excitations in La3Ni2O7,
arXiv:2401.12657 -
Alessandro De Vita, Roberto Sant, Vincent Polewczyk, Gerrit van der Laan, Nicholas B. Brookes, Tai Kong, Robert J. Cava, Giorgio Rossi, Giovanni Vinai*, and Giancarlo Panaccione,
Evidence of Temperature-Dependent Interplay between Spin and Orbital Moment in van der Waals Ferromagnet VI3,
Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 5, 1487–1493 -
Denise S. Christovam, Martin Sundermann, Andrea Marino, Daisuke Takegami, Johannes Falke, Paulius Dolmantas, Manuel Harder, Hlynur Gretarsson amd Bernhard Keimer, Andrei Gloskovskii, Maurits W. Haverkort, Ilya Elfimov, Gertrud Zwicknagl, Alexander V. Andreev, Ladislav Havela, Mitchell M. Bordelon, Eric D. Bauer, Priscila F. S. Rosa, Andrea Severing, Liu Hao Tjeng,
Stabilization of U 5f2 configuration in UTe2 through U 6d dimers in the presence of Te2 chains,
arXiv:2402.03852 -
S. Agrestini, F. Borgatti, P. Florio, J. Frassineti, D. Fiore Mosca, Q. Faure, B. Detlefs, C. J. Sahle, S. Francoual, J. Choi, M. Garcia-Fernandez, K.-J. Zhou, V. F. Mitrovic, P. M. Woodward, G. Ghiringhelli, C. Franchini, F. Boscherini, S. Sanna, and M. Moretti Sala,
The origin of magnetism in a supposedly nonmagnetic osmium oxide,
arXiv:2401.12035 -
Roberto Fantin, Thibaut Jousseaume, Raphael Ramos, Gauthier Lefevre, Ambroise Van Roekeghem, Jean-Pascal Rueff, Anass Benayad,
Depth-resolving the redox compensation mechanism in LixNiO2,
arXiv:2401.12812 -
Kristina Kvashnina, Clara Silva, Lucia Amidani, Marius Retegan, Elena Bazarkina, Stephan Weiss, Tim Graubner, Florian Kraus,
On the origin of low-valent uranium oxidation state,
PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square
Jaehyun Lee, Corina M. Urdaniz, Stefano Reale, Kyungju Noh, Denis Krylov, Andrin Doll, Luciano Colazzo, Yujeong Bae, Christoph Wolf, Fabio Donati,
Interpreting X-ray absorption spectra of Vanadyl Phthalocyanines Spin Qubit Candidates using a Machine Learning-Assisted Approach,
arXiv:2309.16415 -
Georgia Gkouzia, Damian Günzing, Ruiwen Xie, Teresa Weßels, András Kovács, Alpha T. N Diaye, Márton Major, J. P. Palakkal, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Heiko Wende, Hongbin Zhang, Katharina Ollefs, Lambert Alff,
Element-Specific Study of Magnetic Anisotropy and Hardening in SmCo5−xCux Thin Films,
arXiv:2304.06457 -
Zhengyu Xiao, Ruiwen Xie, Fernando Maccari, Philipp Klaassen, Benedikt Eggert, Di Wang, Yuting Dai, Raquel Lizarraga, Johanna Lill, Tom Helbig, Heiko Wende, Kurt Kummer, Katharina Ollefs, Konstantin Skokov, Hongbin Zhang, Zhiyong Quan, Xiaohong Xu, Robert Kruk, Horst Hahn, Oliver Gutfleisch, Xinglong Ye,
Hydrogen-induced switching of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous ferrimagnetic thin films,
arXiv:2312.00643 -
Alexander B. Shick, Eduard Belsch, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein,
Magnetism and electronic structure of a Dy adatom on a MgO(001) substrate,
Phys. Rev. B 108, L180408 -
Chih-Huang Lai, Chao-Yao Yang, Sheng-Huai Chen, Chih-Hsiang Tseng, Chang-Yang Kuo, Hsiu-Hau Lin,
Néel tensor torque at the ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface,
arXiv:2310.11839 -
R Sant, A De Vita, V Polewczyk, G M Pierantozzi, F Mazzola, G Vinai, van der Laan, Panaccione, and N B Brookes,
Anisotropic hybridization probed by polarization dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy in VI3 van der Waals Mott ferromagnet,
R Sant et al 2023 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 405601 -
M. Magnaterra, J. Attig, L. Peterlini, M. Hermanns, M. H. Upton, Jungho Kim, L. Prodan, V. Tsurkan, I. Kézsmárki, P.H.M. van Loosdrecht, M. Grüninger,
Quasimolecular Jtet=3/2 moments in the cluster Mott insulator GaTa4Se8,
arXiv:2309.12454 -
P. Warzanowski, M. Magnaterra, P. Stein, G. Schlicht, Q. Faure, Ch. J. Sahle, T. Lorenz, P. Becker, L. Bohatý, M. Moretti Sala, G. Monaco, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, and M. Grüninger,
Electronic excitations in 5d4J=0Os4+ halides studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and optical spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 125120 -
Viliam Vaňo, Stefano Reale, Orlando J. Silveira, Danilo Longo, Mohammad Amini, Massine Kelai, Jaehyun Lee, Atte Martikainen, Shawulienu Kezilebieke, Adam S. Foster, Jose L. Lado, Fabio Donati, Peter Liljeroth, Linghao Yan,
Emergence of Exotic Spin Texture in Supramolecular Metal Complexes on a 2D Superconductor,
arXiv:2309.02537 -
Augustin Braun, Leland B. Gee, Michael W. Mara, Ethan A. Hill, Thomas Kroll, Dennis Nordlund, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Pieter Glatzel, Britt Hedman, Keith O. Hodgson, A. S. Borovik, Michael L. Baker, and Edward I. Solomon,
X-ray Spectroscopic Study of the Electronic Structure of a Trigonal High-Spin Fe(IV)═O Complex Modeling Non-Heme Enzyme Intermediates and Their Reactivity,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 34, 18977–18991 -
Andrea Marino, Martin Sundermann, Denise S. Christovam, Andrea Amorese, Chun-Fu Chang, Paulius Dolmantas, Ayman H. Said, Hlynur Gretarsson, Bernhard Keimer, Maurits W. Haverkort, Alexander V. Andreev, Ladislav Havela, Peter Thalmeier, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Andrea Severing,
Singlet magnetism in intermetallic UGa2 unveiled by inelastic x-ray scattering,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 045142 -
Marc Merstorf, Martin Braß, Maurits W. Haverkort,
Non-Lorentzian atomic natural line-shape of core level multiplets: Access high energy x-ray photons in electron capture nuclear decay,
arXiv:2307.13812 -
Arun Ramanathan, Jensen Kaplan, Dumitru-Claudiu Sergentu, Jacob A. Branson, Mykhaylo Ozerov, Alexander I. Kolesnikov, Stefan G. Minasian, Jochen Autschbach, John W. Freeland, Zhigang Jiang, Martin Mourigal & Henry S. La Pierre,
Chemical design of electronic and magnetic energy scales of tetravalent praseodymium materials,
Nat. Comm. (2023)14:3134 -
Yixuan Zhang, Ruiwen Xie, Teng Long, Damian Günzing, Heiko Wende, Katharina J. Ollefs & Hongbin Zhang,
Autonomous atomic Hamiltonian construction and active sampling of X-ray absorption spectroscopy by adversarial Bayesian optimization,
npj Computational Materials (2023) 9:46 -
Anirudha Ghosh, H. Johan M. Jönsson, Deepak John Mukkattukavil, Yaroslav Kvashnin, Dibya Phuyal, Patrik Thunström, Marcus Agåker, Alessandro Nicolaou, Martin Jonak, Rüdiger Klingeler, M. Venkata Kamalakar, Tapati Sarkar, Alexander N. Vasiliev, Sergei M. Butorin, Olle Eriksson, and Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez,
Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 115148 -
Qizhi Li, Abhishek Nag, Xiquan Zheng, Fucong Chen, Jie Yuan, Kui Jin, Yi Lu, Ke-Jin Zhou, and Yingying Peng,
Evolution of orbital excitations from insulating to superconducting MgTi2O4 films,
Phys. Rev. B 107, L121108 -
M. Wu, X. Huang, Y. Li, H. Luo, J. Shi, K. H. L. Zhang, P. Han, S. Hu, T. Deng, Y. Du, L. Chen, H.-Q. Wang, and J. Kang,
Electromagnetic evolution in proton-containing spinel NiCo2O4 thin films via ionic liquid gating,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 125107 -
Abdul-Vakhab Tcakaev, Bastian Rubrecht, Jorge I. Facio, Volodymyr B. Zabolotnyy, Laura T. Corredor, Laura C. Folkers, Ekaterina Kochetkova, Thiago R. F. Peixoto, Philipp Kagerer, Simon Heinze, Hendrik Bentmann, Robert J. Green, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Eugen Weschke, Maurits W. Haverkort, Friedrich Reinert, Jeroen van den Brink, Bernd Büchner, Anja U. B. Wolter, Anna Isaeva, Vladimir Hinkov,
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Hebatalla Elnaggar, Ru-Pan Wang, Sara Lafuerza, Eugenio Paris, Yi Tseng, Daniel Mc Nally, Alexander Komarek, Maurits W. Haverkort, Marcin Sikora, Thorsten Schmitt, and Frank M. F. de Groot,
Magnetic Contrast at Spin-Flip Excitations: An Advanced X-Ray Spectroscopy Tool to Study Magnetic-Ordering,
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 39, 36213 (2019). -
H. Elnaggar, Ph. Sainctavit, A. Juhin, S. Lafuerza, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, M.-A. Arrio, Ch. Brouder, M. van der Linden, Z. Kakol, M. Sikora, M. W. Haverkort, P. Glatzel, and F. M. F. de Groot,
Noncollinear Ordering of the Orbital Magnetic Moments in Magnetite,
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Y. Lu, X. Cao, P. Hansmann, and M. W. Haverkort,
Natural-orbital impurity solver and projection approach for Green's functions,
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Niéli Daffé, Juan-Ramón Jiménez, Michał Studniarek, Amina Benchohra, Marie-Anne Arrio, Rodrigue Lescouëzec, and Jan Dreiser, Direct Observation of Charge Transfer and Magnetism in Fe4Co4 Cyanide-Bridged Molecular Cubes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 8, 1799 (2019).
K. Fürsich, Y. Lu, D. Betto, M. Bluschke, J. Porras, E. Schierle, R. Ortiz, H. Suzuki, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, N. B. Brookes, M. W. Haverkort, M. Le Tacon, E. Benckiser, M. Minola, and B. Keimer,
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of bond order and spin excitations in nickelate thin-film structures,
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Ru-Pan Wang, Jaap Geessinck, Hebatalla Elnaggar, Yorick A. Birkhölzer, Keisuke Tomiyasu, Jun Okamoto, Boyang Liu, Chao-Hung Du, Di-Jing Huang, Gertjan Koster, and Frank M. F. de Groot,
Low-energy orbital excitations in strained LaCoO3 films,
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S. Agrestini, K. Chen, C.-Y. Kuo, L. Zhao, H.-J. Lin, C.-T. Chen, A. Rogalev, P. Ohresser, T.-S. Chan, S.-C. Weng, G. Auffermann, A. Völzke, A. C. Komarek, K. Yamaura, M. W. Haverkort, Z. Hu, and L. H. Tjeng,
Nature of the magnetism of iridium in the double perovskite Sr2CoIrO6,
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Adolfo O. Fumega, M. Gobbi, P. Dreher, W. Wan, C. Gonzaĺez-Orellana, M. Peña-Díaz, C. Rogero, J. Herrero-Martín, P. Gargiani, M. Ilyn, M. M. Ugeda, Victor Pardo, and S. Blanco-Canosa,
Absence of Ferromagnetism in VSe2 Caused by Its Charge Density Wave Phase,
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Alexander A. Guda, Sergey A. Guda, Kirill A. Lomachenko, Mikhail A. Soldatov, Ilia A.Pankin, Alexander V. Soldatov, Luca Braglia, Aram L. Bugaev, Andrea Martini, Matteo Signorile, Elena Groppo, Alessandro Piovano, Elisa Borfecchia, and Carlo Lamberti,
Quantitative structural determination of active sites from in situ and operando XANES spectra: From standard ab initio simulations to chemometric and machine learning approaches,
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Johan Schött,
Theoretical and Computational Studies of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: Dynamical Mean Field Theory, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Analytical Continuation,
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Katrin Fürsich, Volodymyr B. Zabolotnyy, Enrico Schierle, Lenart Dudy, Ozan Kirilmaz, Michael Sing, Ralph Claessen, Robert J. Green, Maurits W. Haverkort, and Vladimir Hinkov,
Theory-restricted resonant x-ray reflectometry of quantum materials,
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Paul C. Rogge, Robert J. Green, Padraic Shafer, Gilberto Fabbris, Andi M. Barbour, Benjamin M. Lefler, Elke Arenholz, Mark P. M. Dean, and Steven J. May,
Inverted orbital polarization in strained correlated oxide films,
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M. Sundermann, G. van der Laan, A. Severing, L. Simonelli, G.H. Lander, M.W. Haverkort, R. Caciuffo,
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Andrea Amorese, Kurt Kummer, Nicholas B. Brookes, Oliver Stockert, Devashibhai T. Adroja, André M. Strydom, Andrey Sidorenko, Hannes Winkler, Diego A. Zocco, Andrey Prokofiev, Silke Paschen, Maurits W. Haverkort, Liu Hao Tjeng, Andrea Severing,
Determining the local low-energy excitations in the Kondo semimetal CeRu4Sn6 using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
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Y. Lu, D. Betto, K. Fürsich, H. Suzuki, H.-H. Kim, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, N.B. Brookes, E. Benckiser, M.W. Haverkort, G. Khaliullin, M. Le Tacon, M. Minola, B. Keimer,
Site-Selective Probe of Magnetic Excitations in Rare-Earth Nickelates Using Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering,
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S. Agrestini, C.-Y. Kuo, K. Chen, Y. Utsumi, D. Mikhailova, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, T. Förster, A. Matsumoto, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, M.W. Haverkort, Z. Hu, L.H. Tjeng,
Probing the Jeff ground state and the Van Vleck paramagnetism of the Ir5+ ions in layered Sr2Co0.5Ir0.5O4,
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C.F. Chang, T.C. Koethe, Z. Hu, J. Weinen, S. Agrestini, L. Zhao, J. Gegner, H. Ott, G. Panaccione, Hua Wu, M.W. Haverkort, H. Roth, A.C. Komarek, F. Offi, G. Monaco, Y.-F. Liao, K.-D. Tsuei, H.-J. Lin, C.T. Chen, A. Tanaka, L.H. Tjeng,
c-Axis Dimer and Its Electronic Breakup: The Insulator-to-Metal Transition in Ti2O3,
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Martin Sundermann, Hasan Yavaş, Kai Chen, Dae Jeong Kim, Zachary Fisk, Deepa Kasinathan, Maurits W. Haverkort, P. Thalmeier, A. Severing, L.H. Tjeng,
4f Crystal Field Ground State of the Strongly Correlated Topological Insulator SmB6,
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Hakuto Suzuki, Matteo Minola, Yi Lu, Yingying Peng, Roberto Fumagalli, Emilie Lefrançois, Toshinao Loew, Juan Porras, Kurt Kummer, Davide Betto, Shigeyuki Ishida, Hiroshi Eisaki, Cheng Hu, Xingjiang Zhou, Maurits W. Haverkort, Nicholas B. Brookes, Lucio Braicovich, Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Matthieu Le Tacon and Bernhard Keimer,
Probing the energy gap of high-temperature cuprate superconductors by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
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V. B. Zabolotnyy, K. Fürsich, R. J. Green, P. Lutz, K. Treiber, Chul-Hee Min, A. V. Dukhnenko, N. Y. Shitsevalova, V. B. Filipov, B. Y. Kang, B. K. Cho, R. Sutarto, Feizhou He, F. Reinert, D. S. Inosov, and V. Hinkov,
Chemical and valence reconstruction at the surface of SmB6 revealed by means of resonant soft x-ray reflectometry,
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D. Pincini, F. Fabrizi, G. Beutier, G. Nisbet, H. Elnaggar, V. E. Dmitrienko, M. I. Katsnelson, Y. O. Kvashnin, A. I. Lichtenstein, V. V. Mazurenko, E. N. Ovchinnikova, O. V. Dimitrova, and S. P. Collins,
Role of the orbital moment in a series of isostructural weak ferromagnets,
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Piter S. Miedema and Martin Beye,
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Myrtille O.J.Y. Hunault, Yoshihisa Harada, Jun Miyawaki, Jian Wang, Andries Meijerink, Frank M. F. de Groot, and Matti M. van Schooneveld,
Direct Observation of Cr3+ 3d States in Ruby: Toward Experimental Mechanistic Evidence of Metal Chemistry,
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Henrique P. Martins, Eduardo B. Guedes, Rodrigo J. O. Mossanek, Fernando D. Prado, Alberto Caneiroc and Miguel Abbate,
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M. Braß C. Enss, L. Gastaldo, R. J. Green, and M. W. Haverkort,
Ab initio calculation of the calorimetric electron-capture spectrum of 163Ho: Intra-atomic decay into bound states,
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M. Wu Houlin L. Xin J. O. Wang X. J. Li X. B. Yuan H. Zeng J.-C. Zheng H.-Q. Wang,
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A. Amorese, N. Caroca-Canales, S. Seiro, C. Krellner, G. Ghiringhelli, N. B. Brookes, D. V. Vyalikh, C. Geibel, and K. Kummer,
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Patric Zimmermann, Robert J. Green, M. W. Haverkort and Frank M. F. de Groot,
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Patric Zimmermann, Myrtille O. J. Y. Hunault, and Frank M. F. de Groot,
1s2p RIXS Crystal Field Multiplet Calculations of 3d Transition Metal ions in octahedral (Oh) symmetry,
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Patric Zimmermann, Nadejda Bouldi, Myrtille O.J.Y. Hunault, Marcin Sikora, James M. Ablett, Jean-Pascal Rueff, Blair Lebert, Philippe Sainctavit, Frank M.F.de Groot and Amélie Juhin,
1s2p Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Magnetic Circular Dichroism as a probe for the local and non-local orbitals in CrO2,
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Myrtille O. J. Y. Hunault, Wilayat Khan, Jan Minár, Thomas Kroll, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Patric Zimmermann, Mario U. Delgado-Jaime, and Frank M. F. de Groot,
Local vs Nonlocal States in FeTiO3 Probed with 1s2p RIXS: Implications for Photochemistry,
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P. S. Miedema, R. Mitzner, S. Ganschow, A. Föhlischa and M. Beye,
X-ray spectroscopy on the active ion in laser crystals,
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M. Sundermann, K. Chen, H. Yavaş, Hanoh Lee, Z. Fisk, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng and A. Severing,
The quartet ground state in CeB6: An inelastic x-ray scattering study,
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S. Agrestini, C.-Y. Kuo, M. Moretti Sala, Z. Hu, D. Kasinathan, K.-T. Ko, P. Glatzel, M. Rossi, J.-D. Cafun, K. O. Kvashnina, A. Matsumoto, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, L. H. Tjeng, and M. W. Haverkort,
Long-range interactions in the effective low-energy Hamiltonian of Sr2IrO4: A core-to-core resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study,
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K. Tomiyasu, J. Okamoto, H. Y. Huang, Z. Y. Chen, E. P. Sinaga, W. B. Wu, Y. Y. Chu, A. Singh, R.-P. Wang, F. M. F. de Groot, A. Chainani, S. Ishihara, C. T. Chen, and D. J. Huang,
Coulomb Correlations Intertwined with Spin and Orbital Excitations in LaCoO3,
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Yi Lu and Maurits W. Haverkort,
Exact diagonalization as an impurity solver in dynamical mean field theory,
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Erik Gallo, Evgeny Gorelov, Alexander A. Guda, Aram L. Bugaev, Francesca Bonino, Elisa Borfecchia, Gabriele Ricchiardi, Diego Gianolio, Sachin Chavan, and Carlo Lamberti,
Effect of Molecular Guest Binding on the d–d Transitions of Ni2+ of CPO-27-Ni: A Combined UV–Vis, Resonant-Valence-to-Core X-ray Emission Spectroscopy, and Theoretical Study,
Inorganic Chemistry Article ASAP -
Teng Zhang, Iulia Brumboiu, Valeria Lanzilotto, Johann Lüder, Cesare Grazioli, Erika Giangrisostomi, Ruslan Ovsyannikov, Yasmine Sassa, Ieva Bidermane, Matija Stupar, Monica de Simone, Marcello Coreno, Barbara Ressel, Maddalena Pedio, Petra Rudolf, Barbara Brena, and Carla Puglia,
Conclusively Addressing the CoPc Electronic Structure: a Joint Gas Phase and Solid State Photoemission and Absorption Spectroscopy Study,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Just Accepted Manuscript -
B. Leedahl, D. W. Boukhvalov, E. Z. Kurmaev, A. Kukharenko, I. S. Zhidkov, N. V. Gavrilov, S. O. Cholakh, P. Huu Le, C. Wei Luo & A. Moewes,
Bulk vs. Surface Structure of 3d Metal Impurities in Topological Insulator Bi2Te3,
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Brett Leedahl, Zahra Abooalizadeh, Kyle LeBlanc, and Alexander Moewes,
Tunability of room-temperature ferromagnetism in spintronic semiconductors through nonmagnetic atoms,
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Shadi Balandeh, Robert J. Green, Kateryna Foyevtsova, Shun Chi, Oleksandr Foyevtsov, Fengmiao Li, and George A. Sawatzky,
Experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of single-crystal BaBiO3,
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M. Minola, Y. Lu, Y. Y. Peng, G. Dellea, H. Gretarsson, M. W. Haverkort, Y. Ding, X. Sun, X. J. Zhou, D. C. Peets, L. Chauviere, P. Dosanjh, D. A. Bonn, R. Liang, A. Damascelli, M. Dantz, X. Lu, T. Schmitt, L. Braicovich, G. Ghiringhelli, B. Keimer, and M. Le Tacon,
Crossover from Collective to Incoherent Spin Excitations in Superconducting Cuprates Probed by Detuned Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering,
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Daisuke Ishikawa, Maurits W. Haverkort, and Alfred Q. R. Baron,
Lattice and Magnetic Effects on a d–d Excitation in NiO Using a 25 meV Resolution X-ray Spectrometer,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 093706 (2017) -
Yannic Utz, Franziska Hammerath, Roberto Kraus, Tobias Ritschel, Jochen Geck, Liviu Hozoi, Jeroen van den Brink, Ashwin Mohan, Christian Hess, Koushik Karmakar, Surjeet Singh, Dalila Bounoua, Romuald Saint-Martin, Loreynne Pinsard-Gaudart, Alexandre Revcolevschi, Bernd Büchner, and Hans-Joachim Grafe,
Effect of different in-chain impurities on the magnetic properties of the spin chain compound SrCuO2 probed by NMR,
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M. Wu, J.-C. Zheng and H.-Q. Wang,
Investigation of the multiplet structures and crystal field effects of a TiO6 3d1 cluster based on configuration interaction calculations,
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C.Praetorius and K. Fauth,
Kondo screening and beyond: An x-ray absorption and dichroism study of CePt5/Pt(111),
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P. Hansmann, T. Ayral, A. Tejeda, and S. Biermann,
Uncertainty principle for experimental measurements: Fast versus slow probes,
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A. Amorese, G. Dellea, M. Fanciulli, S. Seiro, C. Geibel, C. Krellner, I. P. Makarova, L. Braicovich, G. Ghiringhelli, D. V. Vyalikh, N. B. Brookes, and K. Kummer,
4f excitations in Ce Kondo lattices studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
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S. Macke, J. E. Hamann-Borrero, R. J. Green, B. Keimer, G. A. Sawatzky, and M. W. Haverkort,
Dynamical Effects in Resonant X-Ray Diffraction,
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R. J. Green, M. W. Haverkort, and G. A. Sawatzky,
Bond disproportionation and dynamical charge fluctuations in the perovskite rare-earth nickelates,
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Y. Lu, A. Frano, M. Bluschke, M. Hepting, S. Macke, J. Strempfer, P. Wochner, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, H.-U. Habermeier, M. W. Haverkort, B. Keimer, and E. Benckiser,
Quantitative determination of bond order and lattice distortions in nickel oxide heterostructures by resonant x-ray scattering,
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A. A. Nugroho, Z. Hu, C. Y. Kuo, M. W. Haverkort, T. W. Pi, D. Onggo, M. Valldor, and L. H. Tjeng,
Cross-type orbital ordering in the layered hybrid organic-inorganic compound (C6H5CH2CH2NH3)2CuCl4,
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C. Praetorius, M. Zinner, P. Hansmann, M. W. Haverkort, and K. Fauth,
Exploring small energy scales with x-ray absorption and dichroism,
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M. W. Haverkort,
Quanty for core level spectroscopy - excitons, resonances and band excitations in time and frequency domain,
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M. Hunault, V. Vercamer, M. W. Haverkort, M.-A. Arrio, C. Brouder, G. Calas, and A. Juhin,
Tracking the signature of low symmetry environments in the XAS Kpre-edge,
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G. A. Sawatzky and R. Green,
The Explicit Role of Anion States in High-Valence Metal Oxides, in Quantum Materials: Experiments and Theory
Lecture notes of the Autumn-School on Correlated Electrons 2016 -
Vincent Vercamer, Myrtille O. J. Y. Hunault, Gérald Lelong, Maurits W. Haverkort, Georges Calas, Yusuke Arai, Hiroyuki Hijiya, Lorenzo Paulatto, Christian Brouder, Marie-Anne Arrio, and Amélie Juhin,
Calculation of optical and K pre-edge absorption spectra for ferrous iron of distorted sites in oxide crystals,
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Martin Sundermann, Maurits W. Haverkort, Stefano Agrestini, Ali Al-Zein, Marco Moretti Sala, Yingkai Huang, Mark Golden, Anne de Visser, Peter Thalmeier, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Andrea Severing,
Direct bulk-sensitive probe of 5f symmetry in URu2Si2,
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Martin Sundermann, Fabio Strigari, Thomas Willers, Hannes Winkler, Andrey Prokofiev, James M. Ablett, Jean-Pascal Rueff, Detlef Schmitz, Eugen Weschke, Marco Moretti Sala, Ali Al-Zein, Arata Tanaka, Maurits W. Haverkort, Deepa Kasinathan, Liu Hao Tjeng, Silke Paschen and, Andrea Severing,
CeRu4Sn6: a strongly correlated material with nontrivial topology,
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J.-P. Rueff, J. M. Ablett, F. Strigari, M. Deppe, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng, and A. Severing,
Absence of orbital rotation in superconducting CeCu2Ge2,
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F. Strigari, M. Sundermann, Y. Muro, K. Yutani, T. Takabatake, K.-D. Tsuei, Y. F. Liao, A. Tanaka, P. Thalmeier, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng, and A. Severing,
Quantitative study of valence and configuration interaction parameters of the Kondo semiconductors CeM2Al10 (M = Ru, Os and Fe) by means of bulk-sensitive hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
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M. W. Haverkort, G. Sangiovanni, P. Hansmann, A. Toschi, Y. Lu and S. Macke,
Bands, resonances, edge singularities and excitons in core level spectroscopy investigated within the dynamical mean-field theory,
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Y. Lu, M. Höppner, O. Gunnarsson, and M. W. Haverkort,
Efficient real frequency solver for dynamical mean field theory,
Phys. Rev. B 90 085102 (2014), arXiv. -
C. N. Veenstra, Z.-H. Zhu, M. Raichle, B. M. Ludbrook, A. Nicolaou, B. Slomski, G. Landolt, S. Kittaka, Y. Maeno, J. H. Dil, I. S. Elfimov, M. W. Haverkort, and A. Damascelli,
Spin-Orbital Entanglement and the Breakdown of Singlets and Triplets in Sr2RuO4 Revealed by Spin- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 127002 (2014), arXiv. -
Z.-H. Zhu, C. N. Veenstra, S. Zhdanovich, M. P. Schneider, T. Okuda, K. Miyamoto, S.-Y. Zhu, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, M. W. Haverkort, I. S. Elfimov, and A. Damascelli,
Photoelectron Spin-Polarization Control in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 076802 (2014), arXiv. -
L. V. Pourovskii, P. Hansmann, M. Ferrero, and A. Georges,
Theoretical Prediction and Spectroscopic Fingerprints of an Orbital Transition in CeCu2Si2,
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2013 and before
E. Benckiser, L. Fels, G. Ghiringhelli, M. Moretti Sala, T. Schmitt, J. Schlappa, V. N. Strocov, N. Mufti, G. R. Blake, A. A. Nugroho, T. T. M. Palstra, M. W. Haverkort, K. Wohlfeld, and M. Gruninger,
Orbital superexchange and crystal field simultaneously at play in YVO3: Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the V L edge and the O K edge,
Phys. Rev. B 88 205115 (2013), arXiv. -
A. Frano, E. Schierle, M. W. Haverkort, Y. Lu, M. Wu, S. Blanco-Canosa, U. Nwankwo, A. V. Boris, P. Wochner, G. Cristiani, H. U. Habermeier, G. Logvenov, V. Hinkov, E. Benckiser, E. Weschke, and B. Keimer,
Orbital Control of Noncollinear Magnetic Order in Nickel Oxide Heterostructures,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 106804 (2013), arXiv. -
M. Wu, E. Benckiser, M. W. Haverkort, A. Frano, Y. Lu, U. Nwankwo, S. Bruck, P. Audehm, E. Goering, S. Macke, V. Hinkov, P. Wochner, G. Christiani, S. Heinze, G. Logvenov, H.-U. Habermeier, and B. Keimer,
Strain and composition dependence of orbital polarization in nickel oxide superlattices,
Phys. Rev. B 88 125124 (2013), arXiv. -
Z.-H. Zhu, C. N. Veenstra, G. Levy, A. Ubaldini, P. Syers, N. P. Butch, J. Paglione, M. W. Haverkort, I. S. Elfimov, and A. Damascelli,
Layer-by-layer entangled spin-orbital texture of the topological surface state in Bi2Se3,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 216401 (2013), arXiv. -
F. Strigari, T. Willers, Y. Muro, K. Yutani, T. Takabatake, Z. Hu, S. Agrestini, C.-Y. Kuo, Y.-Y. Chin, H.-J. Lin, T. W. Pi, C. T. Chen, E. Weschke, E. Schierle, A. Tanaka, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng, and A. Severing,
Crystal field ground state of the orthorhombic Kondo semiconductors CeOs2Al10 and CeFe2Al10,
Phys. Rev. B 87 125119 (2013), arXiv. -
M. W. Haverkort, M. Zwierzycki, and O. K. Andersen,
Multiplet ligand-field theory using Wannier orbitals,
Phys. Rev. B 85 165113 (2012), arXiv. -
T. Willers, F. Strigari, N. Hiraoka, Y. Q. Cai, M. W. Haverkort, K.-D. Tsuei, Y. F. Liao, S. Seiro, C. Geibel, F. Steglich, L. H. Tjeng, and A. Severing,
Determining the In-Plane Orientation of the Ground-State Orbital of CeCu2Si2,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 046401 (2012), arXiv. -
F. Strigari, T. Willers, Y. Muro, K. Yutani, T. Takabatake, Z. Hu, Y.-Y. Chin, S. Agrestini, H.-J. Lin, C. T. Chen, A. Tanaka, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng, and A. Severing,
Crystal-field ground state of the orthorhombic Kondo insulator CeRu2Al10,
Phys. Rev. B 86 081105 (2012), arXiv. -
S. Glawion, M. W. Haverkort, G. Berner, M. Hoinkis, G. Gavrilla, R. Kraus, M. Knopfer, M. Sing, and R. Claessen,
Unoccupied electronic structure of TiOCl studied using x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 255602 (2012), arXiv. -
S. Glawion, J. Heidler, M. W. Haverkort, L. C. Duda, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, C. Monney, K. J. Zhou, A. Ruff, M. Sing, and R. Claessen,
Two-Spinon and Orbital Excitations of the Spin-Peierls System TiOCl,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 107402 (2011), arXiv. -
N. Hiraoka, M. Suzuki, K. D. Tsuei, H. Ishii, Y. Q. Cai, M. W. Haverkort, C. C. Lee and W. Ku,
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M. W. Haverkort,
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M. W. Haverkort, N. Hollmann, I. P. Krug, and A. Tanaka,
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R. A. Gordon, M. W. Haverkort, Subhra Sen Gupta and G. A. Sawatzky,
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P. Hansmann, A. Severing, Z. Hu, M. W. Haverkort, C. F. Chang, S. Klein, A. Tanaka, H. H. Hsieh, H.-J. Lin, C. T. Chen, B. Fåk, P. Lejay, and L. H. Tjeng,
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R. A. Gordon, G. T. Seidler, T. T. Fister, M. W. Haverkort, G. A. Sawatzky, A. Tanaka and T. K. Sham,
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N. Hollmann, M. W. Haverkort, M. Cwik, M. Benomar, M. Reuther, A. Tanaka and T. Lorenz,
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Michel van Veenendaal and M. W. Haverkort,
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A. Gössling, M. W. Haverkort, M. Benomar, Hua Wu, D. Senff, T. Möller, M. Braden, J. A. Mydosh, and M. Grüninger,
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M. W. Haverkort, A. Tanaka, L. H. Tjeng, and G. A. Sawatzky,
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