−Table of Contents
September 23 - September - 2024 - Heidelberg
Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials
Spektroskopie Berechnungen von Quantenmaterialien - Praxis und Theorie
Spectroscopie Calculs de matériaux quantiques - pratique et théorie
A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. For details and registration see the workshop page.
October 10 - October 14 - 2022 - Heidelberg
Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials
Spektroskopie Berechnungen von Quantenmaterialien - Praxis und Theorie
Spectroscopie Calculs de matériaux quantiques - pratique et théorie
A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. For details and registration see the workshop page.
October 7 - October 11 - 2019 - Heidelberg
Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials
Spektroskopie Berechnungen von Quantenmaterialien - Praxis und Theorie
Spectroscopie Calculs de matériaux quantiques - pratique et théorie
A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. For details and registration see the workshop page.
February 20-22 - 2019 - Stanford - SLAC SSRL
A three day tutorial on the calculation of RIXS with the CTM4* package suits. For more detail see the workshop page.
September 24 - September 28 - 2018 - Heidelberg
Hands on spectroscopy calculations of quantum materials
Spektroskopie Berechnungen von Quantenmaterialien - Praxis und Theorie
Spectroscopie Calculs de matériaux quantiques - pratique et théorie
A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. For details and registration see the workshop page.
June 4-8 - 2018 - Alba
A two day tutorial on the calculation of core level spectroscopy with Quanty. For more detail see the workshop page.