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documentation:language_reference:functions:calculatedos [2016/10/10 09:41] – external edit [2024/12/31 14:28] (current) – removed Maurits W. Haverkort
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-====== CalculateDOS ====== 
-alligned paragraph text 
-===== Input ===== 
-  * bla : Integer 
-  * bla2 : Real 
-===== Output ===== 
-  * bla : real 
-===== Example ===== 
-description text 
-==== Input ==== 
-<code Quanty Example.Quanty> 
--- some example code 
-==== Result ==== 
-<file Quanty_Output> 
-text produced as output 
-===== Table of contents ===== 