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documentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:tridiagonalize [2024/12/12 18:33] Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:tridiagonalize [2024/12/12 18:33] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 Matrix.Tridiagonalize(M) returns the matrix in triple-diagonal form. The first element returned is a try-diagonal response function representing the matrix. The second element returned is a matrix that represents the unitary matrix that transforms the Hermitian matrix M to try-diagonal form. Possible options include Matrix.Tridiagonalize(M) returns the matrix in triple-diagonal form. The first element returned is a try-diagonal response function representing the matrix. The second element returned is a matrix that represents the unitary matrix that transforms the Hermitian matrix M to try-diagonal form. Possible options include
   * BlockSize      - the size of the blocks in the tri-diagonal matrix   * BlockSize      - the size of the blocks in the tri-diagonal matrix
   * NTri           - the maximal number of tridiagonal blocks   * NTri           - the maximal number of tridiagonal blocks
   * SingularValue  - the minimum singular value that is considered to be different from 0 of Matrix M.   * SingularValue  - the minimum singular value that is considered to be different from 0 of Matrix M.
 ===== Example ===== ===== Example =====