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documentation:language_reference:objects:wavefunction:properties:nbitskey [2016/10/10 09:41] – external edit [2023/11/09 14:38] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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-If we reduce the hash table from 2<sup>16<\sup> to 2<sup>1<\sup> we find that there are some collisions between the determinants. For determinants with collisions we automatically create a linked list such that the right determinant is always found. The value of \\NBitsKey\\ thus only refers to performance, never to the final answer.+If we reduce the hash table from 2<sup>16</sup> to 2<sup>1</sup> we find that there are some collisions between the determinants. For determinants with collisions we automatically create a linked list such that the right determinant is always found. The value of //NBitsKey// thus only refers to performance, never to the final answer.
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