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workshop:heidelberg [2024/04/23 13:59] Maurits W. Haverkortworkshop:heidelberg [2024/05/08 15:52] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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   * Maurits W. Haverkort   * Maurits W. Haverkort
-We will create a nice [[workshop:heidelberg:september_2024:programme|programme]] and preparations are underway. If you want to participate please [[workshop:heidelberg: september_2024:registration|register]]. We try to accommodate all people who register, but due to space limitations (room, power for your laptop, funding, ...), we must limit the maximum number of participants. +We will create a nice [[workshop:heidelberg:september_2024:programme|programme]] and preparations are underway. If you want to participate please [[workshop:heidelberg: september_2024:registration|register]]. We try to accommodate all people who register, but due to space limitations (room, power for your laptop, funding, ...), we must limit the maximum number of participants. The registration deadline is Sunday June the 30th. After this date you will receive an e-mail with more information.