Broad structure of RIXS at M4.5 of cerium with Ligand field theory
asked by BODRY TEGOMO CHIOGO (2020/12/03 12:00)
Dear Quanty developers, I was inspired by the tutorial for the calculation of the rixs at the L23 edge of NiO for writing a script for RIXS at the M4,5 edge of cerium with ligand field theory. There are 3 finals states in the spectra: -f^1_{5/2} and spin-orbit splitting final state f^1_{7/2} corresponding to f-f excitations
- f^2 final states
The f^2 final state exibit many structure due to the multiplet effect. Please, I would like to known if it is possible to broad only the f^2 final state in the RIXS spectra so that it corresponds with the structure that we mesure experimntaly.
Thanks in advance Best wishes Bodry
You can add an energy dependent broadening, but I'm not sure this is what you want.