asked by Maximilian Mellin (2024/04/24 15:50)
Hello, Does Quanty use Gaussian/Lorentzian Product or Sum Form?
asked by Maximilian Mellin (2024/04/24 15:50)
Hello, Does Quanty use Gaussian/Lorentzian Product or Sum Form?
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The functions CreateSpectra and CreateResonantSpectra have a Lorentzian broadening and no Gaussian broadening. This is inherent to the way we do the calculations as Green's functions $\frac{1}{\omega - H + \mathrm{I} \frac{\Gamma}{2}}$, with $\Gamma$ the full width half maximum Lorentzian line width.
The function Spectra.Broaden takes two parameters, an additional Lorentizan and a Gaussian broadening. These are applied successively and as such these are convolutions. The resulting function is a Voigt profile.