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documentation:install [2017/02/23 16:57] Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:install [2019/02/21 08:28] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 Quanty is also available as a {{:pictures:icons:mathematica.gif?nolink&16|}} [[documentation:install:mathematica|Mathematica package]]. A powerful script language with many additional numerical functions. One of the features of Mathematica is the possibility to obtain analytical solutions, even for some quite involved problems in general quantum mechanics, solid state physics or quantum chemistry. Information on how to install the Mathematica package can be found [[documentation:install:mathematica|here]]. Quanty is also available as a {{:pictures:icons:mathematica.gif?nolink&16|}} [[documentation:install:mathematica|Mathematica package]]. A powerful script language with many additional numerical functions. One of the features of Mathematica is the possibility to obtain analytical solutions, even for some quite involved problems in general quantum mechanics, solid state physics or quantum chemistry. Information on how to install the Mathematica package can be found [[documentation:install:mathematica|here]].
 +Once you've installed the program you can follow the examples you can find in this documentation. A good place to start is to follow the tutorials you can find online for the [[workshop:heidelberg:september_2018:programme|workshop in Heidelberg]]
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