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asked by Riccardo Piombo (2020/01/07 18:57)

Hi every one, I wrote a simple code to calculate the chemical potential for the addition and for the removal of a particle. The system under consideration is a planar D4h structure composed by a transition metal surrounded by 4 non metal ligands. The problem is the following: when computing the ground state of the N-1 system Quanty seems to output ciclycally three different value for the GS energy which differ from one another by 1.6 eV while for the N and N+1 case it doesn't change (as it must be!). Here is the code could someone copy and paste it on his pc and just run it too check this strange thing!?



-- Silver 4d spin-orbitals
IndexDn_4d={ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
IndexUp_4d={ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
-- Fluorine 2p spin-orbitals

-- number of electrons in d-shell and Ligand-P shell
n4d = 9
nL = 10

Udd = 5.0
Delta_pd = 1.5
Tpp = 0.4
TdLb1g = 2.6

-- Racah parameters
B = 0.09
C = 0.54

-- Slater-Koster integrals for monopole and
-- multipole part of Coulomb interaction
F2dd = 49.0*B + 7*C
F4dd = 441.0*C/35.0
F0dd = Udd + (F2dd + F4dd)*2.0/63.0

-- Onsite splitting of the 4d shell
Eda1g = 0.0
Edb1g = 0.0
Edb2g = 0.0
Edeg = 0.0

-- Onsite splitting of the Ligand P shell
ELa1g = -Delta_pd - Tpp
ELb1g = -Delta_pd + Tpp
ELb2g = -Delta_pd - Tpp
ELeg = -Delta_pd

-- Hopping between the Ligand and 4d shell
TdLa1g = TdLb1g/sqrt(3.0)
TdLb2g = TdLb1g/2.0
TdLeg = TdLb1g/(2.0*sqrt(2.0))

-- turning U and Delta to onsite energies
Delta_ZSA = Delta_pd + Tpp/5.0
eL = (Udd*n4d*(1-n4d)/2.0 - n4d*(Delta_ZSA -Udd*n4d))/(n4d+nL)
ed = eL + Delta_ZSA - Udd*n4d

-- D4h Crystal field on 4d states
Akm_4d = 10_tdlb1g_-1_tdlb2g_opphopld4d_newoperator_cf_nf_indexup_4d_indexdn_4d_indexup_ld_indexdn_ld_akm_dl_newoperator_cf_nf_indexup_ld_indexdn_ld_indexup_4d_indexdn_4d_akm_dl_opphopld4d.name_p-d_hybridization_--_udd_repulsion_oppf0_newoperator_u_nf_indexup_4d_indexdn_4d_1_0_0_oppf2_newoperator_u_nf_indexup_4d_indexdn_4d_0_1_0_oppf4_newoperator_u_nf_indexup_4d_indexdn_4d_0_0_1_oppudd_f0dd_oppf0_f2dd_oppf2_f4dd_oppf4_--_silver_hamiltonian_h_ag_oppudd_oppcf_4d_--_fluorine_hamiltonian_h_f_oppcf_ld_--_ag_f_hamiltonian_h_cluster_h_ag_h_f_h_tot_h_cluster_-1_opphopld4d_--_restrictions_filling_of_nd_electrons_in_4d_states_filling_of_nl_electrons_in_ligand-p_states_print_print_n-body_states_energies_computation_npsi_i_1_startrestrictions1_nf_nb_1111111111_0000000000_n4d_n4d_0000000000_1111111111_nl_nl
psiList_N = Eigensystem(H_tot, StartRestrictions1, Npsi_i)
--psiList_N = {psiList_N}

E_gs_N = psiList_N[1]*(H_tot)*psiList_N[1]
print(“Egs N particle = ”, E_gs_N)

-- initialization of the variables
remove_mu = 0
add_mu = 0
mean_mu = 0
E_gs_Nminus1 = 0
E_gs_Nplus1 = 0

--################################################################################## -- HERE SEEMS TO BE THE PROBLEM -- chemical potential μ- to remove a particle
print(”(N-1)-body states energies computation“)
StartRestrictions_rem = {NF, NB, {“1111111111 0000000000”,n4d-1,n4d-1}, {“0000000000 1111111111”,nL,nL}}
psiList_Nminus1 = Eigensystem(H_tot, StartRestrictions_rem, 1)
psiList_Nminus1 = {psiList_Nminus1}

E_gs_Nminus1 = psiList_Nminus1[1]*(H_tot)*psiList_Nminus1[1]
remove_mu = E_gs_N - E_gs_Nminus1
print(“N minus 1”, E_gs_Nminus1)
print(“μ- = ”, remove_mu)

-- chemical potential μ+ to add a particle
print(”(N+1)-body states energies computation“)
StartRestrictions_add = {NF, NB, {“1111111111 0000000000”,n4d+1,n4d+1}, {“0000000000 1111111111”,nL,nL}}
psiList_Nplus1 = Eigensystem(H_tot, StartRestrictions_add, 1)
psiList_Nplus1 = {psiList_Nplus1}
E_gs_Nplus1 = psiList_Nplus1[1]*(H_tot)*psiList_Nplus1[1]
add_mu = E_gs_Nplus1 - E_gs_N
print(“N plus 1”, E_gs_Nplus1)
print(“μ+ = ”, add_mu)

print(“mean μ = [(μ+) + (μ-)]/2 = ”, mean_mu)


, 2020/01/07 20:35

Dear Riccardo

I'm not able to reproduce the problem, (we did implement better convergence tests lately) but guess I know where the problem comes from.

The question is related to a similar problem for finding the ground-state of a $d^6$ configuration, so I changed the title to refer to this question as well.

We use iterative methods to find the ground-state. If the state you are in at some point during the iteration has no overlap with the true ground-state you will not find the ground-state, but the lowest state of the same irreducible representation as the state you are in at the moment.

For your system with two holes, the ground-state is not formally $d^8$, but $d^9L^9$. I.e. you have a charge transfer system and remove one electron from the Ligands.

In the first step the line

psiList_Nminus1 = Eigensystem(H_tot, StartRestrictions_rem, 1)

will converge the system to the ground-state with the start restrictions on. I.e. the ground-state of a $d^8$ ion ($^3F$). As your crystal-field is zero this is a 21 fold degenerate state and your values of $\vec{L}$ and $\vec{S}$ will be some random number that differs each run you take.

In the next step you allow hopping, but already pre-selected a given irreducible representation and will not be able to reach all.

The solution, use less restrictive starting restrictions. Using

 StartRestrictions_rem = {NF, NB, {"1111111111 1111111111",18 18}} 

would work.

Best wishes, Maurits

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