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Problem with Graphics.Plot on Linux system

asked by Ruiwen Xie (2025/03/12 09:50)

Dear Prof. Haverkort,

When I was running the Quanty script regarding the DMFT calculation, in specific, 06_Core_Level_Spectroscopy_DMFT.Quanty, with the lines

Pl = Graphics.Plot(G, GammaL, GammaG, negate_true_plotre_false_frame_ymin_0_ymax_30_xmin_-4_xmax_4_dytick_5_dxtick_0.5_fontsize_0.03_yformat_3.0f_xformat_3.1f_xlabel_e_t_ylabel_g}}) PlSVG = Graphics.ToSVG(Pl) file,err =“G.svg”,'w') file:write(PlSVG) file:close()

I could only see the frame of the figure but there is no data of G plotted.

However, in another script with the command

PlG = Graphics.Plot(G,0,GammaG,{{"PlotPoints",2000},{"Frame",{{"Ymin",-YRange},{"Ymax",YRange},{"dYTick",dYTick},{"Xmin",Emin},{"Xmax",Emax},{"dXTick",2},{"XLabel","Energy [t]"},{"YLabel","Intensity"}}}})
SVGPlG = Graphics.ToSVG(PlG)
file ="Plots/PlG_"..tostring(i)..".svg",'w')

I could get the plot without any issue.

I tried also on MacOS, and both worked without any problem.

Do you have any clue about this problem?

Thanks a lot for your time!


, 2025/03/12 13:58

Dear Ruiwen,

Thanks for the feedback. You're not the first to report this problem. I'm however not able to reproduce it…… If ok with you I'll contact you by mail and would like to try a few options to find where the problem might originate from.

Best wishes, Maurits

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