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start [2016/10/10 09:39] – external edit [2024/10/06 18:25] (current) – old revision restored (2018/04/03 14:40) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 ====== Quanty - a quantum many body script language ====== ====== Quanty - a quantum many body script language ======
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-Quanty is still in is infancy, but growing fast. The code developed from the need to calculate core level spectroscopy (x-ray absorption, resonant diffraction, ...) of correlated transition metal and rare earth compounds. So you'll find that these areas are the best developed or documented. But many more examples in different fields are added.+Quanty is still in its infancy, but growing fast. The code developed from the need to calculate core level spectroscopy (x-ray absorption, resonant diffraction, ...) of correlated transition metal and rare earth compounds. So you'll find that these areas are the best developed or documented. But many more examples in different fields are added.
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