Table of Contents

This is an old revision of the document!


Our workshop will start on Monday morning the 24-th of September and ends Friday the 28-th at lunch time. We plan alternating sessions with lectures and hands-on tutorials.

The topics discussed in the program below will change. The current version shows roughly our intention.

Sunday 23.09.2018
Monday 24.09.2018
Tuesday 25.09.2018
Wednesday 26.09.2018
Thursday 27.09.2018
Friday 28.09.2018
9:00 - 10:30 Lecture F. de Groot
Introduction to core level spectroscopy and theoretical models. Spectroscopy types, edges, level of theory
Lecture G. Lelong
Experimental questions (why core level spectroscopy)
Lecture A. Juhin
Polarisation and dichroism
Lecture A. Juhin
Density functional theory and K-edges
Lecture R Green
Double clusters. Band-structure effects in XAS and RIXS. Spectroscopy of metals, from excitons to resonances.
10:30 - 11:00 Cofee Cofee Cofee Cofee Cofee
11:00 - 12:30 Hands on tutorials
Introduction to Quanty, a many body script language. (Orbitals, Slater-determinants, Many-particle eigenstates, Configuration interaction, restricted active space, Green’s functions)
Hands on tutorials
X-ray spectroscopy of NiO in the crystal-field approximation (XAS, PES, RXD, NIXS, RIXS)
Hands on tutorials
Polarisation dependence and tensor formulation of XAS, RIXS and NIXS
Hands on tutorials
Density functional theory calculation of NiO: bands, DOS, Wannier functions
Hands on tutorials
Anderson impurity model XAS / cPES of metals
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Lecture M.-A. Arrio
Crystal-field theory and multiplets
M. Retagan
Calculations using Crispy, a graphical interface
Lecture F. de Groot
Ligand field theory
M. W. Haverkort
Ab initio many-body techniques
15:00 - 15:30 Cofee Cofee Cofee Cofee
15:30 - 17:00 Hands on tutorials
Ground-state calculations: Energy level diagram, Finite temperature, Magnetic susceptibility of NiO in the crystal-field approximation
Hands on tutorials
Calculations using Crispy
Hands on tutorials
X-ray spectroscopy of NiO in the ligand-field approximation (XAS, PES, RXD, NIXS, RIXS)
Hands on tutorials
From DFT to MLFT
18:00 - … Free evening programme Free evening programme Free evening programme Free evening programme

Table of contents
