Table of Contents

This is an old revision of the document!


Our workshop will start on Monday morning the 24th of September and ends Friday the 28th at lunch time. We plan alternating sessions with lectures and hands-on tutorials.

The topics discussed in the program below will change. The current version shows roughly our intention.

Sunday 9-23-2018
Monday 9-24-2018
Tuesday 9-25-2018
Wednesday 9-26-2018
Thursday 9-27-2018
Friday 9-28-2018
9:00 - 10:30 Lecture F. de Groot
Introduction to core level spectroscopy and theoretical models. Spectroscopy types, edges, level of theory
Background literature
Term symbols and Hunds rule
Lecture F. de Groot
Experimental questions (why core level spectroscopy) - Ligand field theory - Charge transfer and RIXS
Lecture A. Juhin
Polarization and dichroism
Lecture A. Juhin
Density functional theory and K-edges
Lecture M. W. Haverkort
Double clusters. Band-structure effects in XAS and RIXS. Spectroscopy of metals, from excitons to resonances
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11:00 - 12:30 Hands-on tutorials
Introduction to Quanty, a many-body script language. (Orbitals, Slater-determinants, many-particle eigenstates, configuration interaction, restricted active space, Green’s functions)
Introduction to Quanty
Introduction to Many Body Physics
Coulomb repulsion
Crystal fields
Hands-on tutorials
X-ray spectroscopy of NiO in the crystal-field approximation (XAS, PES, RXD, NIXS, RIXS)
tutorials NiO crystal field approximation
Hands-on tutorials
Polarization dependence and tensor formulation of XAS, RIXS and NIXS
Hands-on tutorials
Density functional theory calculation of NiO: bands, DOS, Wannier functions
Hands-on tutorials
Anderson impurity model XAS / cPES of metals
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Lecture M.-A. Arrio
Crystal-field theory and multiplets
Ligand field theory
Lecture M. Retegan
Calculations using Crispy, a graphical interface
M. W. Haverkort
Ab initio many-body techniques
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
15:30 - 17:00 Hands-on tutorials
Ground-state calculations: Energy level diagram, finite temperature, magnetic susceptibility of NiO in the crystal-field approximation
Hands-on tutorials
X-ray spectroscopy of NiO in the ligand-field approximation (XAS, PES, RXD, NIXS, RIXS)
Hands-on tutorials
Calculations using Crispy
Hands-on tutorials
From DFT to MLFT
18:00 - … Free evening program Poster session
Time for the participants to present their own research.
Free evening program Free evening program


Feel free to bring your poster on Monday morning and place it on one of the walls of our institute.

  • Ying Li - Role of Hydrogen in the spin-orbital-entangled quantum liquid candidate H3LiIr2O6
  • Abdul-Vakhab - Observation of superparamagnetism in V:(Bi,Sb)2Te3 by means of XMCD
  • Benjamin Katter - Orbital surface reconstruction on SrTiO3 studied with resonant x-ray reflectometry
  • Michael Dettbarn - Valence profiling of LaMnO3 by use of Crystal Field Theory
  • Tamás Rozgonyi - Theoretical investigation of functional Fe(II) complexes
  • David Bracher - Probing antiferromagnetic order in individual 3d transition metal oxide nanoparticles
  • Abhishek Nag - Looking at phonons in Cuprate chains using RIXS
  • Gyory Vanko - Laboratory X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Steffen Backes - Ab-initio theoretical spectroscopy from GW+DMFT
  • Yi Lu - When is FY equal to XAS
  • Martin Braß - Ab into calculation of the calorimetric electron capture spectrum of 163 Holmium
  • Simon Heinze - Calculation of the dynamics of a single Carbon atom

Table of contents

We would like to thank the Universitė franco-allemande, Deutsch-Franzödische Hochschule for co-financing this workshop.


The workshop is hosted at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University Heidelberg

